One of the things I love about fairy tales is the good ones are distilled down to the universal parts. Yes this was a long time ago but the underlying tale is about things that need to happen. Cinderella gets a lot of crap these days for teaching girls that a rich man will be the answer to her life. But to me I hear that the world is unfair. That you will be put in helpless situations where the best you can do is take the abuse but don't let it break you. You never know who might be looking out for you. You never know who might appreciate you and change your world.
The best thing is that the tale gets reskinned over and over into different cultures. Its telling a kind of truth that may not be true everyday but we need to believe. We need the hope that in our hopeless moments were are all cinderella. We will be aided in our lives and we ultimately will be loved.
So the thing to do about Illiberith is to look at it from its story tale elements. because the rest is just color. What are my base themes, what are my important truths. What am I trying to say?
Tarry is my favorite character. He is this "way more powerful than you" little guy, who is underestimated because of his lack of height, and his feminie qualities. He is a heart reader, a powerful empath. Wiser than his years and a stubborn idealist. He learns early that when he chooses his battles, he must fight to the death for them, so he doesn't get into conflict unless its worth dying over. And I love him. He is the center of this universe. The fixer. and all he really wants is a family and a safe place for his children to grow up in. All the power he welds and he'd be a happy fisherman if the world would let him.
Ive changed his name to Piper in some of the role playing we do and it fits. because of his empathy he can be the pied piper of hamlin. And he loves music because music makes people feel happy. I might keep his name as Piper.
Physically he was 4'6" tall slender darkbrown hair with a thick swath of silver over his brow. Because of Polgara. It was the sign that he was marked with power. Over the years he has grown a bit taller. In fact these days he's about 5'3" and his hair is all silver.
and elfy.
but I don't want to use elves in my book. Ive developed so much with them that they are not the same race as my sorce material.
Plus this worlds history...Once upon a time the world was ruled by Dragons. and only the strangest in magic could shelter comunities. I called them wizard kings and I might still call them that. Although you merely had to be strong or smart enough to avoid the dragons so not all wizard Kings had magic. funny that.
So Ive been thinking about many things today.
Elves is such a short cut word. its a hodge podge word. It means better than human. Or Spock.
Now in the mythology of my world. Because I have a mythology. Elves may have been created as servants of the Dragons, or the Wizard Kings....but the Chaos elves (yes I know...but I was young and easily influenced) The Chaos Elves were decendants of the Earthmother and her mother the Goddess of Chaos.
There is the All Father and everything that was not the All Father was the Goddess Chaos, and the first children of their union included the sun, the moon, Demonkind...and finally the earthmother. And the Allfather was enchanted by his perfect daughter. Fearing That Choas would destroy her he sung His wife to sleep and Locked the early children, the demons into her dreams, which is the nature of hell.
The earth was raised by her brothers and eventually wedded to the All father, giving birth to the animals and people of the earth. Some of those children are hers by her brothers, the sun and the moon.
But when she realized she was the only goddess she went looking for her mother, slipped into her mothers dream and made Dragons. Thats why the All father has no power over dragons. Thats why Dragons can fly in and out of Hell. They are born of the world and chaos.
But they were greedy children and they took too much. And the Earth wept. The Father the Sun and the Moon could not help. Chaos heard her tears and communed with her daughter one last time. She kissed her daughter as she slept and the kiss rooted and blossomed into the first Chaos elf. Born to sooth the earth and punish the dragons.
I love this little mythology of mine.
The different Gods have thier favored races. and maybe thats where I should look to rename my races. For elves are children of the earth. somewhere in there lies my answer.
Perhaps my "elves" (not the chaos ones) shall be the moons children. There are the Ocean's children. There are the Sun's children. Perhaps religion needs to be more important to my world.
Actually that would work well because Tarrence and Sarra would be the Moons Daughters. They would represent both the light and darkside of the moon and they are two who are one.
There names will come from this.
I like this, alot. Wish I had the brain to offer more than cheerleading at the moment.